"阿根廷" 共找到影视: 4145 部
HuntersofUtopia 2


Americadinotte 3


Hastaquesepongaelsol 10


CochengoMiranda 3


  Cochengo y su familia son campesinos del oeste de La Pampa, y combinan el trabajo rural con los placeres de la música. Los mayores hablan de la importancia y el valor de las tradiciones. Los jóvenes presentan estrategias con las que esperan poder adaptarse a una vida marcada inevitablemente por la transculturación. Un film paradigmático de su etapa pampeana.

Quilino 6


  Quilino is from 1966 and is part of a series of documentaries that the Fondo Nacional de las Artes had commissioned to Jorge Prelorán, in this case in collaboration with Gleyzer. It tells the story of the inhabitants of a small town in Córdoba that used to live on manufactured handicrafts. The people of Quilino depended on two railroad branches - a local one, in the morning, an...

LosHijosdeZerda’ 7


LutherMetkeat94 5


LarepúblicaperdidaII 3


给一毛钱 3


Casabindo 2


  Casabindo is a small village situated at 3900 meters, 148 kilometers from Humahuaca, in Jujuy province, Argentina. Founded by the Spanish colonizers in 1535, was the first and an important Spanish settlement in Argentina

Chucalezna 6


  In the heart of the Humahuaca Canyon in Northwestern Argentina, there is a place once known only to its inhabitants. Since remote times it has been called by its Quechua name -- Chucalezna. Thirty families form the small community of shepherd...

阿维拉达的土地 10


  Film documental. Análisis de la conducta social respecto de los hechos trágicos de la reciente historia argentina, la represión, el terrorismo de estado, el devenir de la democracia y los indultos del presidente Menem por el cual recuperaron la libertad guerrilleros y responsables de la represión. Centraliza el tema una historia individual, la familia Manfil, a partir del momen...

路易西塔照相馆 1


  The celebrities who visited Luisita Escarria's photo studio in Buenos Aires for decades are countless. Sol, a young photographer, discovers there more than 25,000 unpublished negatives, an archive of incalculable value that opens a window through which to look at the true artistic epicenter of Argentinean popular culture

Lagrutacontinua 10


  Air currents flow in and out over the Earth. The subterranean landscape shelters Italian and Cuban explorers from invasions and disasters. Survival in the inner atmosphere teaches us to reduce the human activity from the surface. In the caves, life is slow. This is a fascinating exploration of the conditions for grasping the material and subterranean dimensions of the historica...

我在远方寻找 9
