"阿富汗" 共找到影视: 83 部
NaimandJabar 1


  Anthropology and filmmaking meet in one of the most representative examples of the observational cinema form. In Naim and Jabar, the everyday life lived by two teens from Afghanistan takes on deeply profound dimensions through its elemental simplicity. As the camera captures the articulation of time and place in their interaction, work in its most archetypal form and play steal...

家庭战争游戏 3


  Djalal has loved weapons since before he could walk. But success in the virtual world, where thousands of followers watch his videos, is not enough – so he heads to Afghanistan as a sniper. Unfortunately, actual war is a dull business that drags on endlessly. Will the young man, who is still searching for his place in the real world, realize that the game is over and that it’s ...

喀布尔炎夏 6


  A Russian doctor is invited to work at Afghanistan's top hospital during the war, and sees firsthand the carnage caused by the Islamist mujaheddin as they attempt to overthrow the socialist government.

Baba 2


  Inspired by the Communist president Najibullāh's grand project to bring about reconciliation with the mujahidin, the story of Baba concerns two small villages drawn into conflict by a murder, a revenge plot, and ...

开明大陆 3


  A group of Kuchi children are living in a minefield around Bagram airfield, Afghanistan. They dig out anti-personal mines in order to sell the explosives to child workers mining in a Lappis Lazulli mine. The trajectory of the blue precious stones goes towards Tajikistan and China, through an area controlled by child soldiers. When they are not waging their own mini-wars in the ...

七个女人半个故事 10


  There are seven stories of seven women. Though each has her own individual story, none had the chance of fnding love having lost control of their destiny through either forced marriage or rape.

一个民族的声音:我在阿富汗的旅途 2


  Jawed Taiman takes a distinct look at Afghanistan and lets the Afghan people have their say. En route through the different provinces, through urban and rural regions, in discussion with intellectuals and simple folk, politicians and Taliban fighters a multifaceted picture emerges of a country that is often portrayed as incomprehensible.

记在新闻停顿时 3


  Join the newsroom of Afghanistan’s largest newspaper as the Taliban took power. A highly dramatic day-by-day account of a group of courageous journalists’ struggle for democracy, freedom and life itself.
  Etilaat Roz is the most widely read newspaper in the Afghan capital Kabul. But when Kabul falls to the Taliban in 2021, everything changes. The Taliban don’t like journalists, ...

祖国轰鸣的腹地 9


  由于美国计划于 2021 年 9 月从阿富汗撤军,加拿大籍阿富汗裔电影制片人兼记者布里什凯·艾哈迈德 (Blishkay Ahmed) 回到祖国进行拍摄。这部勇敢的纪录片聚焦首都喀布尔女性主导的新闻机构 Zan TV,揭示了女记者们承担的持续而巨大的风险。艾哈迈德本人是一名专业记者,她记录了在塔利班接管阿富汗之前的两年中,年轻女性记者的悲惨和鼓舞人心的工作。随着平行新闻故事的展开——两轮全国选举以及正在进行的美国与塔利班和平谈判——这部电影揭示了阿富汗女记者和媒体工作人员每天面临的障碍,强调了威胁 Zan TV 作为媒体渠道和女性生计的现状。它彰显了捍卫妇女权利和新闻自由的重要性。

依然歌唱 5


  Under the mentorship of controversial pop star Aryana Sayeed, two young singers vie to become the first-ever female winners of Afghan Star. As their dreams are within grasp, their lives are changed when the Taliban returns to power.

把我的國家還回來 10



莫特利的法律 8


  《莫特利的法律》拍摄于2013年至2014年,主角是金伯利·莫特利(Kimberly Motley),她是第一位也是唯一一位在阿富汗法庭处理案件的西方律师,也是唯一一位担任这一职务的女性。丹麦导演尼科尔·尼尔森·霍拉尼执导了这部纪录片,《综艺》(Variety)杂志评价道,她找到了一个强有力的人物角色,“这一角色使用了冷峻但真实的讲话方式。”

明日在何方 10


  这部“POV”纪录片描绘了阿富汗一个小村庄的第一所女子学校,追溯了其2009年建校时的情况,当时国际部队正撤军阿富汗,塔利班掌握大权。该片纪录了学校自建校到2015年第一批学生毕业期间的发展历程。电影由贝丝·墨菲(Beth Murphy)执导,展示了几代女性之间是如何在社会上相互联系的。《明日在何方》获得了艾美奖时事类提名。

阿富汗女孩 10



献给贝娜齐尔的三首歌 7

