"以色列" 共找到影视: 1515 部
祝好胃口 5


  A guy comes with his girlfriend to an apartment in order to sign a contract to work at a sausage factory. She waits for him outside but when he doesn't return, she slowly she starts to suspect something terrible is going on in the innocent looking apartment.

RevitalIsanAlien 3


  Gabriela is thrilled when she finds a baby alien in the forest- she always dreamed of having a daughter. She calls the baby Revital. As Revital grows and develops into a little alien girl, she finds it harder and harder to exist in a world so different from her. Gabriela does everything she can to put her daughter at ease and make her happy. But Revital remains sad. When an opp...

Disabled 7


  Lior, 26, is a disabled veteran, who is grounded to a wheelchair. After over three months in the rehabilitation department, Lior doesn't believe he could walk again. His perception changes when to the room accidentally enters Inbar, a funny and cheeky girl, who came to visit her sister.

搞笑 7


  Hilarious is set to examine the possibility of dysfunctional humor and laughter stirred when there is no reason to laugh. Hilarious presents a stand up monologue of a female comedian performing live in front of a studio audience. If humor is a mechanism set to cope in particular ways with disturbing, sometimes forbidden topics, this performance not only offsets these structures...

Shir 6


  A young teenager ditches school on Yom Hazikaron -Israel memorial day.

Shaavazecohev 9


  You are fifteen. You want to go to the movies and you can’t because you must look after your sister. It is annoying. If your sister is three years older than you, it’s really too much…

Οντισιν 2


  A female director wants to shoot a film describing an encounter between an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man. She calls a Palestinian actor for an audition. What are the boundaries of an audition Where does reality start, and where does the film end

痒 5

  Twelve-year-old Omer and her younger sister have lice. She decides to take advantage of this unpleasant situation to get her Dad to come back home.

Hashkama 2


  Lior is an officer in the IDF down to her very core. That is who she is. One night, she breaches protocol and gives in to her desire for the notorious Kinneret, a female soldier. When Lior comes clean, she realizes that the system she is so devoted to has a different set of rules for people like her.

HateipHa'adom 8


  In a dump he walks through on his way to school, an Arab lad in Jerusalem finds a small, red electronic game. He picks it up and plays with it as he walks. Security cameras follow him. Near the school entrance, one of his teachers confiscates it, and the teacher, in turn, has it taken from him by two Israeli soldiers. We follow the toy, as do the omnipresent security cameras, i...

ProyectGvul 1


  Every day is a perfect day for the revolution.
  Every evening while watching the television, we resolve to act.
  Every morning we realize that we did nothing.
  Can individual's actions influence reality
  Five stories from both sides of the separation fence.

MivtzahYY 10


  At 22, Ron still lives with his parents. He barely knows the daylight hours and his nights are divided between his job as editor of wedding videos, chats on the Internet and futuristic fantasies. One night all the elements he toys with converge and, for the first time in his life, he is willing to risk a real in-person encounter.
  First Prize – Munich International festival o...

我的舅舅马里奥 6


  A young boy delivers food in the summer vacation for this mother, who has some sort of a restaurant. Suddenly his uncle Mario, who lives in Italy, visits them by surprise. The boy's life changes when he follows his uncle one night to an appointment. After that night things will never be the same. Written by gj62

谍海情深 9


  Alex Abramov is Mossad secret agent looking after some bad guys. He falls in love with young music student Thea, but can not reveal himself and sends her gifts secretly. Thea first thinks that it must be another student, G.R., who sends gifts, and bad guys, knowing about Alex's feelings towards Thea, attack G.R. by mistake.

Dizengoff99 5
