此为导演Kazunori Tanabashi执导的「天堂之星」,于1979年在日本首播的科幻。这部影片由古谷彻,川岛千代子,柴田秀胜,水木一郎,古川登志夫,伊武雅刀,村山明,千叶繁,堀秀行,德丸完,大竹宏,佐藤正治,矢田耕司,山本圭子,松沢和子,井上真树夫等主演,他们的出色表演将带给观众惊喜。26798次的播放次数清晰地证明了「天堂之星」在影视狂欢的受欢迎程度,持续吸引着观众的关注和追寻。
Set in the year 2052, Earth has managed to find peace until the arrival of the Death Force - ruthless aliens from a dying solar system - who are desperately searching for a new home. Attacking the Earth with a massive satellite ship called Terror Star, the aliens proceed to terraform the planet to make it their own. For mankind there is one hope: it's up to Colin Collins and a ...
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此为导演Kazunori Tanabashi执导的「天堂之星」,于1979年在日本首播的科幻。这部影片由古谷彻,川岛千代子,柴田秀胜,水木一郎,古川登志夫,伊武雅刀,村山明,千叶繁,堀秀行,德丸完,大竹宏,佐藤正治,矢田耕司,山本圭子,松沢和子,井上真树夫等主演,他们的出色表演将带给观众惊喜。26798次的播放次数清晰地证明了「天堂之星」在影视狂欢的受欢迎程度,持续吸引着观众的关注和追寻。
Set in the year 2052, Earth has managed to find peace until the arrival of the Death Force - ruthless aliens from a dying solar system - who are desperately searching for a new home. Attacking the Earth with a massive satellite ship called Terror Star, the aliens proceed to terraform the planet to make it their own. For mankind there is one hope: it's up to Colin Collins and a ...
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