"1933" 共找到影视: 1069 部
Seasin'sGreetinks! 6


  严严冬日,大雪覆盖世界每一个角落。快乐的大力水手卜派(威廉·科斯特洛 William "Billy" Costello 配音)哼唱着大力水手之歌,穿越层层雪墙来到女朋友奥莉弗(梅伊·奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)的家门口。他贴心地送上一双崭新的冰刀,像钉马掌一样为女友 逐只穿好。这一边,卜派正在帮助首次走上冰面的奥莉弗掌握溜冰的技巧;那边厢,粗暴的布鲁托(威廉·佩内尔 William Pennell 配音)正鞭打着一条可怜的小狗来到冰场。布鲁托垂涎奥莉弗的美貌,上前非礼,这自然引起卜派的不满。

SoThisIsAfrica 4


卧车 8


  A French sleeping-car attending with an eye for the ladies hooks up with a wealthy widow and they get married. What he doesn't know is that she married him because she wants to stay in France. Complications ensue.

难为了母亲 10


  Nellie Rimplegar has to tell her grown children that due to her bungled handling of their finances, the family has been wiped out by the Stock Market crash. Friend and family doctor, Alan Stevens, tells them they'll all need to eliminate their extravagant ways and get jobs. Stevens also rents a room in their house more as a way to be near pretty Elizabeth Rimplegar, than to hel...

TheWarrior'sHusband 8


  In Pontus, the land of the Amazons, gender roles and natures are completely reversed: men stay at home and take care of the children and women are the strong sex, thanks to the sacred girdle of the Roman goddess Diana. It is in the care of Queen Hippolyta and her sister Antiope, the commander of the female armed forces. Only Sapiens, Queen Hippolyta's new husband, advocates wom...

女人的梦想 3


TheWaytoLove 7


YouMadeMeLoveYou 10


GoodbyeLove 7


GirlTrouble 7


罗思柴尔德 5


SaisoninKairo 3


  Directed by Schünzel and with Renate Müller and Willy Fritsch, the story revolves around the son of a rich widow and the daughter of a count who are both worried that their parents spend all the money so they decide to find them a partner. Naturally the older couple isn't the only one being formed during their matchmaking.

他的私人秘书 10


  Dick Wallace wants to marry a minister's grand-daughter but his father, who wants him to get work on his company's business, is opposed. She takes a job with the company to prove she's okay.

小辣椒 9


TheKidfromBorneo 1
