"1933" 共找到影视: 1069 部
午夜巡逻 9


  Novice policemen Stanley and Oliver, eating lunch in their patrol car, nearly have their spare tire stolen by a thief and his sassy partner. They then miss the broadcast address of a burglary in progress, and Stanley borrows the phone in a jewelry store to call the station, mistaking the safecracker inside for the shop's owner. The boys eventually manage to catch the apparent b...

往昔时光 2


  在一座中世纪的城堡内,大臣正举杯向国王祝福。今天,国王的女儿米妮公主(玛西丽特加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)即将嫁给邻国的普尔帕多王子(品托考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)王子。米妮举止优雅,体态端庄,而对方却是个形容猥琐、丑陋恶心的家伙。米妮自然不同意这桩婚姻,她当众掌掴王子,令她的父王大为光火,遂下令将米妮关入牢房。
  正在此时,一穷二白却心中常常充满快乐的游吟诗人米奇(沃尔特迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)经过这里,他看到了婚礼的全过程,也听到米妮伤心的哭声,于是决定出手搭救公主。正当他们将要成功之时,却被国王发现了。米奇不得不和普尔帕多展开男人的决斗……

新娘的梦话 3


We'reintheMoney! 2


PaddytheNextBestThing 9


  In Ireland, Major Adair's older daughter Eileen is about to marry Lawrence Blake for his money in order to pay off her father's debts, even though she really loves Jack Breen

Lachansond'unenuit 4


  Opera singer Enrico Ferraro, tired of his too many engagements, jumps off the train escaping from his manager and changes to another going to the Riviera. He makes a friend and stops at a village, where (it seems) he can at last have some well deserved holidays, with the added interest of meeting a beautiful girl in the surroundings.

WalkingtheBaby 9


  Street-sweeper George flirts with a pretty, but dizzy, nursemaid in the park. Incorporates Burns & Allen's vaudeville "dizzy" routine.

HollywoodonParadeNo.A-13 8


BlueoftheNight 2


  Bing Crosby as himself in a comedy of romance and mistaken identity.

Sing,Bing,Sing 7


  After singing over the radio, Bing Crosby transmits a signal to elope to his sweeheart Helen; but her father is listening too. Undaunted, Bing tries, tries again.

LettingintheSunshine 5


  A window cleaner bumps into an old flame, and the pair turn detective in an attempt to foil a gang of burglars.

大笑的继承人 1


  To Max Ophüls this was an assignment (from the UFA), a pure routine job. One hardly recognizes the later Ophüls in this film (shortly made before his masterpiece "Liebelei"), but still Ophüls made this routine job into a well-paced, stylish and sometimes extremely funny romantic comedy; he probably could not do it any other way. The script is fine with some hilarious dialogue. ...

LesAventuresduroiPausole 9


专业甜心 5


  Radio singer Glory Eden is publicized as the ideal of American womanhood, in order to sell the sponsor's product Ippsie-Wippsie Washcloths. In reality, Glory would like to at least sample booze, jazz, gambling, and men. When the strain of representing "purity" brings her to rebellion, the sponsor and his nutty henchmen pick her a public-relations "sweetheart" from fan mail. But...

BackstoNature 1


  Patsy and Thelma have been working hard at a stressful Manhattan job checking luggage in and out. They have some time off coming: Thelma wants to relax at an Atlantic City hotel, but Patsy convinces her to go tent camping, promising to take care of everything. To Thelma's chagrin, little goes right from pitching the tent to gathering firewood and cooking dinner. When Thelma fin...