Katasumi begins with two Japanese schoolgirls (revealed to be Kanna and Hisayo in the first Ju-on film) who are caring for their school's rabbits. They are sweeping out the cages and feeding the animals when Kanna cuts her hand, and Hisayo leaves her to go into the school and fetch a bandage. When she returns, Kanna is nowhere to be found. The rabbit cages are empty, and bits o...
Katasumi begins with two Japanese schoolgirls (revealed to be Kanna and Hisayo in the first Ju-on film) who are caring for their school's rabbits. They are sweeping out the cages and feeding the animals when Kanna cuts her hand, and Hisayo leaves her to go into the school and fetch a bandage. When she returns, Kanna is nowhere to be found. The rabbit cages are empty, and bits o...
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