"冰岛语 Icelandic" 共找到影视: 17 部
造访欧洲 4


Hagamús-Meelífieílúkunum 10


  We get to know two mice calles Oscar and Helga. One fine day on a farm in Southern Iceland, they meet in a mousetrap. The emphasis of the film is on its strong story line and a fictional structure that carries us through a year in the life of two mice. It is informative, yet a love story in the best tradition of the movies, involving rivalry, danger and true romance.

培根城 1


  State of Bacon tells the kinda real but mostly fake tale of an oddball group of characters leading up to the annual Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival. Bacon-enthusiasts, Governor Branstad, a bacon queen, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, members of PETA, and an envoy of Icelanders are not excluded from this bacon party and during the course of the film become intertwined with the organizers of the ...

爱被轻触 4


  Die 19-jhrige Maria ist übergewichtig und arbeitet als Pflegekraft in einem Heim. Dort trifft sie auf Mike, der vom Hals abwrts gelhmt ist. So treffen nun zwei Welten aufeinander: Maria, die voller Komplexe steckt und Mike, der krperlich auf Hilfe angewiesen ist. Sie gehen eine Liebesbeziehung miteinander ein, doch ihre gegenseitige Abhngigkeit macht die ju...

国家地理:科学新发现冰岛火山爆发 10


  Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted April 14, 2010, spewing aircraft-harming ash over most of Europe. It could cause Katla, its neighboring, larger volcano to erupt. NGC looks at Eyjafjallajokull before, during and after, explaining the science behind the chaos and the biggest disruption of air traffic since 9/11.

冰岛之梦 6


  The Iceland government started the largest project in the history of Iceland, to turn its wilderness and beautiful nature into a massive system of hydro-electric and geothermal power plants with dams and reservoirs to provide Alcoa cheap electricity for an a...

一位画家 7


  We follow a painter, a successful artist living alone and isolated. Driven only by his work, he finds himself lost when he’s forced to deal with his unannounced son and other outsiders that stand in the way of his work and get him out of balance.

魔法衣橱 7


  “Algjor Sveppi”是冰岛著名的冒险电影系列,2011年的《魔法衣橱》是该系列的第三部作品。几乎每一部“Algjor Sveppi”电影几乎都大受冰岛观众欢迎,并能取得了良好的票房成绩。《魔法衣橱》虽然不如2010年的《魔法咒语》,但还是在冰岛拿下了26万美元的票房(冰岛人口约30万),位居年度票房排行榜的第十位。 也是冰岛本土最卖座的电影。

Huldufólk102 5


  Beneath the quiet veneer of Iceland lies an invisible nation of Hidden People. This fascinating phenomenon, rarely discussed with outsiders, not only pervades Icelandic culture, but also impacts its infrastructure (e.g., road construction and buildings). This enlightening journey, through Iceland's celestial and mysterious environment, suspends one's state of reality-forcing yo...

Santa'sNightOut 7


知识 9


  A black-comedy short film about cults, gullibility and the search for happiness. When a naive Iceland couple becomes entangled in an American cult, their lodger, Michael, decides to document events for his film school project. The cult leading couple arrive from L.A. to initiate the naive Icelanders and soon the comical becomes macabre.

两个单身汉 5


  Two unmarried old friends in their sixties live a happy , easy going life in a small seaside village in Iceland. An attractive woman their age comes to the village planning to write a book there for a few months. When one of the two friends shows her too much interest it puts their relationship in danger.

冰岛犯罪现场 9


  • 已完结
  • 2006  

  三十年前冰岛犯罪三人帮成员之一的霍贝格在自己的家中被人杀死,警员艾尔兰多与(Ingvar Eggert Siguresson 饰)两名搭档负责此案,现场一张墓地的照片引起艾尔兰多注意,循此线索,艾尔兰多揭开一桩陈年强奸案幕后真相。与此同时,她的女儿伊娃沉溺放纵的生活,未婚先孕而竟不知孩子的父亲是谁。

Permille 9


  Erik likes to have a drink once in a while. The day after a good party, sitting with his girlfriend having a chat, he meets people he doesn't remember. Has he arrived at a crossroads Is Erik in deeper trouble than usual

Vera 4


  Vera is a young woman who has no memories of her mother. Her desperate search for a mother image merges with her own search of self as she inevitably makes an attempt to define the boundary between herself and a mother she never knew.