"克里奥尔语" 共找到影视: 16 部
LaBelleVie:TheGoodLife 6


烈日下的石头 7


盒子是空的 8


MangaD'Terra 10


  Rosa, twenty years old, leaves her two children in Cape Verde to settle in Lisbon in the hope of giving them a better life. Caught between the harassment of kingpins and daily police violence, Rosa tries to find consolation in the women of the community. But music provides her real escape...

倒带-快进 10


  In this film by Denis Villeneuve, a young photographer is on assignment in Jamaica. It's a cultural shock! First anguished, he later becomes quite fascinated by the people he meets, their neighbourhood and their music.

母亲只是一笑 4


  The elderly Isabel Cardoso works in the kitchen of a nursery school. Her hands are worn, her memory sharp and heavy with grief. In moments of stillness she reaches across the divide, communicating with her deceased mother through the stirring winds, the rippling surface of water, the cracked earth. A richly intimate documentary mosaic of the strength, struggle and transcendence...

Memória 8


  Shaped by mysticism, resistance, and the voice of revolutionary leader Amílcar Cabral, we take a personal and poetic journey through the anti-colonial past and present of Guinea-Bissau.
  The voice of Amílcar Cabral, leader of the struggle against Portuguese colonialism in Guinea-Bissau, and one of Africa’s foremost revolutionary leaders, echoes in the present day. Assassinated i...

钦达斯 4


  钦达斯是佛得角其中一个最受喜爱的女性,尤其是当她于1998年在本地报纸上表明自己的变性人身份后。从那时起,她的名字成为了当地人用来称呼“佛得角”同志的字眼。虽然她十分有名,但她一直保持低调,每个下午她都很快乐地到访邻里,向他们销售最好的“鸡肉包”,一种传统巴西小吃:美味的炸鸡球。但每到二月,所有事情都会改变。这是当地嘉年华前的一个月,岛上节奏缓慢的气氛变得忙碌喧嚣,熙熙攘攘。嘉年华的前一天更是繁忙,当地人合力从零开始创造一些漂亮的东西。那里成为了“小巴西”—他们最为赞赏的歌手“赤脚歌后”(Cesáriaévora) (1941 - 2011)认为其中一首最受欢迎的morna歌曲。这部纪录片就像一趟旅程,带观众认识非洲未知、从未想像过的一面。

2720 6


  A clandestine neighbourhood in Lisbon wakes up to the news of a violent police raid, which took place the night before. Camila, a 7-year-old girl, goes in search of her brother. She’s worried. At the same time, Jysone is in a hurry: after 6 years in jail and 5 weeks free, Jysone has finally found work and knows he can’t be late. He is looking for someone who can give him a ride...

SètLam 10


  In a ghetto on an island, a young girl becomes paralyzed with fear in the midst of a trance ritual. She is afraid her loved ones may be hurt or even disappear. Her grandmother tells her the strange story of Edwardo, the first one of his kin to have seen and fought death. The child listens, feeling her grandmother is telling this tale for a reason.

Agwe 2


  Francois leaves Haiti by sailboat to the USA, leaving behind his wife, Mirlande, who is six months pregnant. She has to wait ten days to hear from her husband. And now ten years later, without any news, the woman who still hopes and waits offers a sacrifice to Agwe, the divinity of the oceans.

分手大师 1


  • 已完结
  • 2014  

  梅远贵(邓超 饰)是一个情感经历极为丰富的男人,虽然有过这样那样的失败恋情,却也帮他铺就了一条通往荣华复归的康庄大道。现如今的梅远贵生活在首都北京,与其精英团队操办起帮人分手的奇葩业务,无论你有着怎样的感情和生活,只要票子给足,他总会高效率地完成任务。爱情那么虚幻的东西太不可靠,还是钱最让他放心。这一天,梅照例接了一单生意,那就是帮客户甩掉美丽女孩叶小春(杨幂 饰)。小春是一个自强不息的北漂姑娘,她渴望可以让之依靠休息的港湾,同时也为了美好的明天奋力打拼。原本踌躇满志的梅远贵,从和小春接触的第一天起,他们彼此的人生就发生了改变……

Tresnochesnegras 1


  José, a Chilean peasant, asks the devil to grant him a wish beneath a full moon. John, a young Haitian man, appears dead in the garden on the grounds of the mansion that looms over these lands; a feudal, rural community of the 21st century. The ensuing investigation will unravel the complex social and human fabric of modern Chile.

寻找乌托邦 5



小约瑟的故事 3

