"印尼语 Indonesian" 共找到影视: 35 部
独享情人 6


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2022  


Lampir 3


  A group of friends trapped in a vintage villa only to find out it is the nest of the Indonesian demon Mak Lampir, who plays death games to become the most beautiful and eternal human being.

鬼妇2:村庄 7


  A gravedigger and students breaking a taboo by whistling at night face a horde of pocong apparitions.

Sajen 5


  The existence of three holy offerings at Pelita Bangsa High School is a mystery. Rumours suggested the offerings were an attempt by the school to calm the spirits of students who had committed ******* because they were victims of bullying.
  Alanda (Amanda Manopo) attempts to break the chain of bullying in schools. Unlike other students who resigned when Bianca (Steffi Zamora), D...

土豆屋:开始 9



RohFasik 1


ReuniZ 7


  After 20 years graduated from high school, students of Zenith having a reunion. Zombie outbreak started in the reunion, infected most of the group. The survivors needs to find a way out to escape from zombies that surrounding the school.

MelancholyIsAMovement 9


土地居民物语 4


  A docufiction that investigates alternative Indonesian histories through a rumination of colonial ruins, the role of technology, and the invisible power of indigenous ancestry.

苏吉哈蒂·哈利姆 1


  What's in a name For Sugiharti Halim, though, a name can lead to a never-ending question. At times funny, annoying, and contradictory: Does one really need a 'real' name Can you sell your name Is it true that you can h...

Keramat2:CarubanLarang 1


  The film will continue the story of the first film which was released in 2009. It will focus on a production team entitled "Menari di Atas Angin" departing from Jakarta to the Bantul area in order to do pre-shooting. But overtime, many oddities and mysterious problems befall them.

医怨 1


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband: their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in this strange case. Dr. Vera who helped her give birth, provide...

第三只眼睛 5


  由于父母意外身亡,艾丽娅(杰西卡·米拉 Jessica Mila 饰)只得带着妹妹艾贝尔(Bianca Hello 饰)返回她们童年居住过的旧房子居住。虽然旧房子地处幽静所在,且风光秀美,宽敞明亮,但是艾贝尔却对这里有着深深的抵触情绪。童年时代,艾贝尔总是声称看到家人们看不到的人,而且某个夜晚发生的灵异事件也给这个女孩留下深深的阴影。与之相对,艾丽娅似乎并不相信超自然的事件,在男友达文(Denny Sumargo 饰)的帮助下,这对姐妹顺利入住。怎奈好景不长,入住的第一晚艾贝尔便经历一连串的恐吓。艾丽娅拗不过艾贝尔的请求,同意跟随妹妹去见拥有通灵能力的云度女士,并且打开了自己的鬼眼。

吉隆贡3 1


  Di hutan angker itu, anak hilang ketika matahari terbenam. Ketika ada yang hilang, anak yang lain ditemukan, sudah mati.

身怀鬼胎 1


  Randy and Dinar are married couple, and Dinar is pregnant. Their happiness disappears when a middle-aged mother becomes their new neighbor.