"掸语" 共找到影视: 2 部
金三角**军阀揭秘 4


  作为香港新浪潮另类派翁维铨 这部作品承继了上部作品 荒漠人的纪录片风格 ,“身在其中。跳脱于外”地描述了金三角的昆沙以及几代私有军阀控制的**大亨,其中也着重描写了在泰国境内对于**几大军阀的态度,其观赏质量还是高于荒漠人,尤其是这影片本身的主题就比较符合猎奇心理者的口味、

无地土壤 4


  A drone shot flies over a ridge road that snakes along an ambiguous territory, the green softness of the curves whispering the muffled echoes of conflict. In the voice-over, Jai Sang Lod recounts how in 2001 he arrived in a displacement camp at the Thai border with his family, fleeing the fighting between the Burmese army and the Shan minority, and had to join the Shan State Ar...