"無對白" 共找到影视: 3 部
Stig 4


  Stig is a man in his forties. Probably middle-class, works full-time, gets a decent paycheck and drives a nice new car from a well-known Japanese brand.
  He is married and dresses well without being a snob.
  He is a normal Swedish man who performs what most people would consider totally irrational actions. Why

泥人生 4


  • 正片

  憤怒是一個被主人製造後又遭冷漠對待的泥人,他在主人的密室中渡過孤獨與無聊的日子。一天,他遇見愛情 - 另一個被主人製造後偷走出來的泥人......

7MoreMinutes 9


  Four of the passengers awake at the beach. It’s sunny, warm, the sky is blue and the seagulls are screaming. Why not take a bath in the sea ...or do they drift from the here and now to the hereafter