"葡萄牙语" 共找到影视: 5556 部
我的兄弟扎凯奇 9


AllStillOrbit 4


  All Still Orbit links together two apparently unrelated moments in the construction of Brasília: the dream by an Italian saint used to justify its creation and a small city built by the workers constructing the new capital to house them and their families. How do you make sense of a city built on a dream Are all dreams made equal Sometimes a documentary can feel like a fairy ...

Napoljucvetajunarande 8


  High among the mountains, a man endures alone in a disappearing village. Wandering through the misty nature, roaming between the walls of his dark house, he bewails his condition as a man doomed to serve the surrounding he has rejected.

EunosouPilatus 6


  This is a manifest. We understand perfectly. This is the State we’ve become. However, we want civil rights to be respected, but we keep on expressing a seemingly unusual and distant kind of feeling toward the other, an endemic, purgative and distancing racism.

热图利奥·瓦加斯 3


  Documentary on one of Brazil's most controversial personalities: Getúlio Vargas, an ex-president.

异国的眼睛 10


  Fantasies and clichés about Brazil and Brazilians as reinforced by international films, even those actually shot in Brazil. This documentary features interviews with non-Brazilian directors, writers and stars who have been involved in some of those films.
  The nation of Brazil is a land of exotic beauty, where the sensuous rhythms of the bossa nova pulsate all night and glamorou...

垃圾广告大赏 8


  A mixture of documentary and compilation, this work is the fruit of lengthy archive research which aimed to find the most absurd TV commercials from Pernambuco. Memorable tapes from the 80s and 90s, characterised by a stylised vulgarity and sometimes naive communication. This film became a champion of pirated copies in the video stores in the country and abroad, even on VHS .

影像之屋 10


  Documentary about the end of neighborhood cinemas in Recife. Made in U-Matic, VHS and Super-8. Completion project of the UFPE journalism course held in partnership with Elissama Cantalice. Ivan Soares, the voice of 'Vinil Verde' is one of the interviewees.

互动 5


  Director Joao Moreira Salles and a small crew followed Presidential candidate Luís Inácio Lula da Silva's campaign in meetings, rallies, planes, TV debates, with his family, political allies and marketeers, from Sept.25 to Oct.28 2002, when he was officially elected President with 53 million votes, the first Brazilian President to come from the worki...

拾荒的女人 7


  Estamira is 63 years old and suffers from schizophrenia. She leads a tough life and has supported herself for the past 20 years by picking through garbage at the Jardim Gramacho Disposal Area in Rio de Janeiro. The film follows her starting in 2000, the year she begins treatment in a psychiatric clinic. At first, it is hard to understand her in her stream-of-consciousness sente...

普雷斯特的故事 2


  黑白纪录片关于20年代巴西叛军领袖普雷斯特(1898 - 1990)的传奇人生,在当时他与巴西独裁**斗争,被称为“希望骑士”。巴西著名作家Jorge Amado对他非常推崇,并在1942年为其写了一本同名传记。
  Brazil's history during the 20th Century serves as a background to Luiz Carlos Prestes's curious course. The Knight of Hope, as he was known, took part in the epic march of rebellious soldiers in the '20s, when he could testify Brazilian people's misery. After that, he bec...

OsDocesBárbaros 9


  1976年巴西Tropicalia超级组合“Os Doces Bárbaros”在全国举办了巡演,代表着70年代的“Tropicalia”音乐的巔锋时刻。本片记录下ODB激动人心的演出现场和幕后花絮等等,包括70年代独特的巴西社会现状和青年文化。25年后,这四位歌手再次聚集在一起拍摄了一部纪念电影《Outros (Doces) Bárbaros》(2002)。
  Documentary on Doces Bárbaros' 1976 tour,a group formed by some of the greatest stars of Brazilian music: Maria Bethania, Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso.

万物皆相缘 10


  Everything is Relative 万物皆相缘
  Do we all harbour the same feelings of sorrow, happiness, anger and love Is the road to happiness always equally winding or straight Do we love and hate with the same zeal Does a young woman with breast cancer feel the same pain as a family from Mozambique losing their home in a flood Does a modern slave from Bangladesh working in Dubai feel the...

BethaniaBemdePerto-APropósitodeumShow 9


  这部黑白短片给了我一个惊喜,它所记录的是60年代末里约一群还没出名的女性音乐人和艺术家小群体的真实生活,其中几位像Maria Bethania和Rosinha de Valena是我非常喜欢的巴西女歌手,也是巴西TROPILICA运动的代表人物,唱BOSSANOVA的Silvinha Telles居然也在里面,还有Maria Bethania的表哥Caetano Veloso,Glauber Rocha的妹妹Anecy Rocha以及前卫女性艺术家Susana de Moraes等人。如今还能看到她们当年充满着青春激情的生活,感觉不错,很喜欢巴西新民歌音乐和电影。
  当年从巴伊亚州前往大城市里约寻找机遇的民谣女歌手Maria Bethania,首次取代了如日中天的BOSSANOVA女王Nara Leao而参加了里约电台举办的音乐秀节目,是她个人音乐生...

铁窗下的囚徒 6


  A year before shutting down the Carandiru House of Detention in So Paulo, the largest in Latin America at that time, some prisoners learned to use video cameras. For seven months, they documented their daily lives behind bars, marked by overcrowded cells, drug dealing, prayers, fights and solitude.