"葡萄牙语" 共找到影视: 5556 部
AVidaComoElaé... 1


  • 最新更新
  • 1996  

  Adaptations of 40 short stories of brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues, written between 1951 and 1961. The stories were considered scandalous at the time as Rodrigues used immoral characters and black humour to satirize the hypocrisy and repression in the society's daily lives.

JornalHoje 3


  • 最新更新
  • 1971  

GloboRepórter 2


  • 最新更新
  • 1973  

UnCaballerodeFinaEstampa 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2003  

  Excellent concert featuring well known Latin American standards performed by one of the icons of Brazilian music. He covers songs by composers such as: Rafael Hernandez, Gilberto Gil, Astor Piazzolla and others.

éRochaeRio,NegroLeo 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  Intimately shot in his home, and emerging somewhere between artist portrait and testimony, Riverrock is a conversation with the musician, poet, sociologist and thinker Negro Leo. He articulates his ideas about the development of music, Brazilian and international politics, the ascension of neo-Pentecostal religions and his obsession with social media, all while making parallels...

2016年里约残奥会闭幕式 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2016  


阿尔维斯的胜利 3



KuxaKanema-ONascimentodoCinema 9


  The first cultural act of the nascent Mozambique Government after independence in 1975 was to create the National Institute of Cinema (INC). The new president Samora Machel had a strong awareness of the power of the image, and understood he needed to use this power to build a socialist nation. INC's goal was to film the people, and to deliver these images back to the people.

LinhadeMontagem 9


  Documentary about the strikes taking place in So Bernardo do Campo, in the State of So Paulo, Brazil, circa 1979/1980. That moment was of utmost importance, since it revealed a Union leader, Luís Inácio "Lula" da Silva, who later was to become the President of Brazil. It was also the moment when PT, the Party of Workers became a relevant political force in Brazil

EngenhoseUsinas 4


  Part of the Brasilianas series, it shows aspects of the old sugar mills to the sound of Engenho Novo and Coco Peneruê.

ElmilagrodeCandeal 8


Pees 7


  Interviews with workers who took part in the 1979/1980 strikes in the metallurgic region called ABC, in the State of So Paulo, led by the man who was to become President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, but, unlike their leader, have remained anonymous along the way. They talk about their origins, the movement, and their lives.

6EasyPieces 10


  Jon Jost takes us to the border of what film can be. It’s an open project that doesn’t attempt to make any statement, but stresses its materials as a composer would his music, using space, color, time. The filmmaker insists that his electronic cinema“ is a return to an authentic way of seeing. We took his word that his material is documentary, i.e. taken from reality, not dram...

波斯尼亚日记 8


  Joaquim Sapinho went to Bosnia after the war ended, in 1996, when the Dayton Peace Accord was being implemented. Bosnia had been divided in two entities, which separated the two main opposing forces of the conflict; the Serb Bosnians and the Muslim Bosnians.
  This movie is a diary of the two voyages, in which Joaquim dealt with the memories of the war, the death and destruction,...

结束和开始 8


  A film starting from naught. With no prior research, no characters, no sites, nor specific themes, a film team arrive to the hinterland of Paraíba state in northeastern Brazil in search of people with stories to tell. In the village of So Joo do Rio do Peixe they come to Sítio Araás, a rural community of 86 families, mostly relatives. With a girl from Araás as mediator, the...