"Serbian" 共找到影视: 1137 部
ZOS:ZoneofSeparation 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2008  

BacktoBosnia 1


波斯尼亚日记 8


  Joaquim Sapinho went to Bosnia after the war ended, in 1996, when the Dayton Peace Accord was being implemented. Bosnia had been divided in two entities, which separated the two main opposing forces of the conflict; the Serb Bosnians and the Muslim Bosnians.
  This movie is a diary of the two voyages, in which Joaquim dealt with the memories of the war, the death and destruction,...

Jasenovac 7


  This is a short documentary about Jasenovac, the biggest concetration camp on Balkans in which Ustasas (Croatian Nazis) regime of Ante Pavelic from the Nazi ocupation of Yugoslavia in 1941 to the end in 1944, killed a hundreds of thousands people: mostly Serbs but also Jews, Gypsis, Croatian anti-fascist, and all those who confront their fascist regime which was supported by Na...

星舰笑传2 1


  本片著重在全球的星艦熱潮,至德國、法國、英國、義大利、塞爾維亞、巴西、澳洲等地探訪影迷以及參加影迷大會。片中訪問許多世界各地的影迷,包括一個英國的瘋狂影迷,他把自己的船改造成星艦後在網路上以兩百萬美金的價格拍賣。另外還有一名穿著星艦制服出席陪審團而引起軒然大波的Barbara Adams。

Pozorisnaveza 6


Happyend 5


Medaljonsatrisrca 4


Glasamzaljubav 6


塔马登的樱桃树 7


  The story of love between the two youngones, about it's continuation, with all the difficulties and beauty which it carries, about ending of that love because of the conflict with emphasized dynamics and false values of contemporary life.
  In this feature concerning the joys and travails of teenagers, one boy complains that his father's wartime heroism and status of being in hig...

爱与不爱之间 5


  Everything happens in one day, on a square, in an apartment, on the river. A boy went to find his lost toy, other people are looking for their luck, or a part of it, going in circles as in the lost kaleidoscope, loving or hating, suffering or rejoicing, false or true, merry or sadly. The boy found his kaleidoscope in the end, but the question remains: have the others found thei...

街头煞星 8


Jugjugoistok 3


WarCrimes 10


  Caught up in a war of hatred and murder. Six friends try to survive to tell their story.