"阿塞拜疆语" 共找到影视: 56 部
母亲与儿子 6


  In a remote village in Azerbaijan, a woman runs her one-person household. She feeds her animals, tends the garden, cleans the house and does the laundry by hand. She’s nearly always alone as the days slip by. Then, after an eight-year absence, her adult son Hilal arrives back at his childhood home.
  At first, the mother and her son fall back into the old familiar patterns of the...

塞利帕萨的一天 4


  One man and an apartment, about which we know nothing. This is the premise of a conceptual documentary based on the concept of providing a deliberately limited amount of information to the viewer. We look into the intimate space behind the closed front door, where the most ordinary activities are carried out: cooking lunch, preparing tea, eating lunch, starting a fire in the fi...

我要回去了 10



多卢 2



落后的未来 1



拍摄丽娜小姐的电影! 7


  Inside a bazaar located in the outskirts of Baku, a young film team tries to shoot a film scene with a well-known actress.

Külrsuspmim 2


对鸟的布道 4


  The latest film from TIFF Best Artistic Contribution Award winner (for Crane Lantern) depicts the scars that war leaves on humans, set in the forests of Azerbaijan, with phenomenally beautiful images.

生活如此美丽 7


无名之山 8


  After many years the Wanderer returns to his land to hear the Voice again which can be heard only there.

南方小镇 10


  О столкновении старого и нового, об их странном, причудливом, комичном, а порой и тревожном сочетании в жизни и быте современного Баку рассказывает этот фильм.

巴贝克 2


  События фильма, действие которого происходит в IX веке, отражают период народно-освободительного движения хуррамитов, в рядах которых сражались арабы, курды, персы и представители других народов за национальную независимость под предводительством народного героя Бабека. За двадцать лет упорной борьбы Бабек выиграл четыре сражения. Пятое для него стало роковым: попав в плен, Баб...

当猫头鹰飞翔时 7


  Rejisser: Sh.Mahmudbayov.
  Screenwriter: M.Ibrahimbayov.
  Director of photography: A.Narimanbayov.
  Art director: K.Najafzadeh.
  Composer: E.Sabitoglu.
  Cast of characters: H.Turabov, E.Gafarzadeh, I.Osmanly, G.Gurbanova, F.Sharifova, Y.Nuriyev, V.Aliyev, S.Rasulova, F.Mammadov.
  Synopsis: After the novelette of the same name of M.Ibrahimbayov. Tahir is twelwe. His parents are sepera...

奈杰的季节 9


  The parallel stories of three women Gisoo, Aylar and Narges. Gisoo is a cab driver and one day by sheer coincidence, she meets Reza Farjam, a very famous actor. Aylar is a young woman who is in love with Eilia. Eilia's fiancee has passed away, and he is devastated by this tragedy and is going through depression. Narges is another young woman who believes in humanity and underst...

老城情事 3


  "At some point," Rafael tells Arzu, "people walk together ... and then their ways part ... each destined to follow the labyrinth of their own inner city ..." Arzu, a young girl growing up in contemporary Azerbaijan, falls in love with Rafael, her piano teacher's son, a veteran of the Karabakh War. Twice her age and unable to escape from the ravages of war, Rafael is forced to l...