"阿拉伯語" 共找到影视: 24 部
Lesfollesannéesdutwist 4


  Algeria, 1960. In a small village, the arrival of western pop music (notably "The Twist") is making an impression every bit as great as the on-going struggle between the pro- and anti- liberationists. Whilst political extremists perpetuate the conflict, most people get on with their lives, grateful for the benefits of western society. Two irresponsible young men, Boualem and...

幼发拉底大坝的电影散文 9


  This first film by documentary filmmaker Omar Amiralay follows the construction of a dam on the Euphrates river that is supposed to bring tremendous improvement in the lives of villages around it.

OmarGatlato 7


  "Omar Gatlato's deadpan narration belies the uncertainty and anger of his generation, which is beleaguered with problems of reconstruction and alienation." - Lawrence Chua, Village Voice
  A watershed film, OMAR GATLATO held a mirror up to Algerian male culture and the mirror cracked. The title refers to the expression "gatlato al-rujula," or, roughly, "machismo killed him" and t...

沙特奇趣录 6


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2011  

  A popular Saudi animation show talks sarcastically about general issues in Saudi Arabia and Arab world by short stories represented by characters that imply some segments of society in Saudi and Arab community

不再恐惧 2


  A tiny spark lit the flame of revolution in Tunisia, the end of president Ben Ali’s reign, and ultimately the birth of the Arab Jasmine Revolutions. Rooted in despair, frustration, and years of silence, the people demanded a new Tunisia and finally claimed it.

TheLebanonIDreamOf 5


  This documentary intends to open the eyes of the Lebanese youth to the real problems in their society. it gathers 45 carefully selected Lebanese figures who start by showing how beautiful Lebanon is and how terribly ugly we have made it. Then it states every practical issue in their daily life: social, political, economic, ecological and humanitarian. When reaching to solutions...

边境之声 8



一个叙利亚村庄的日常生活 2


  叙利亚影史上最著名也是最具争议性的一部纪录片,由毫不妥协的叙利亚导演Omar Amiralay拍摄,也是他的代表作。影片被禁至今,奥马尔流亡海外直到30年后才得以回国拍摄他的第二部作品。本片获1976年柏林国际影展新电影论坛Otto Dibelius奖。
  The first documentary to present an unabashed critique of the impact of the Syrian government's agricultural and land reforms, Everyday Life in a Syrian Village delivers a powerful jab at the state's conceit of redressing social and economic inequities...

谁杀了我弟弟 10



生于加沙 7


  2015年│字幕:日本語/英語│DVD-VIDEO│4:3│リージョ ンフリー│371分

ガザ「和平合意」はなぜ崩壊したのか 5


  1953年佐賀県生まれ。1985年よりパレスチナイスラエルの問題にかかわる。ドキュメンタリー映像『ファルージャ 2004年4月』のほか、NHKや民放で数多くのドキュメンタリー番組も手掛けている。著書に、『占領と民衆―パレスチナ』(晩聲社)、『「和平合意」とパレスチナ』(朝日選書)、『アメリカのユダヤ人』『現地ルポ パレスチナの声、イスラエルの声』『沈黙を破る―元イスラエル軍将兵が語る“占領”』『ガザの悲劇は終わっていない』(いずれも岩波書店)など多数。

不愉快的冬天 5


  Set against the momentous backdrop of the whirlwind protests of Cairo’s Tahrir Square that began on January 25th, 2011, Winter of Discontent explores the lives of three people, each one involved differently with the Egyptian Revolution: the activist Amr, the journalist Farah and the state security officer Adel.

一盘沙丁鱼 2


  Here’s a great short from Syria’s finest – the auteur, provocateur, and master, Omar Amiralay. Perhaps this is an aficionado’s grab, or a completist’s – but it is really a cracking film, with Mohammad Malas involved and plenty of inter-textual references for those familiar with Syrian political cinema.

魔法帽的秘密 7


  A good kind man suffers from his violent neighbour, by chance he finds a magic hat make him unseen, he uses it to revenge from his neighbour. but Unfortunately his neighbour steals it from him and uses it.

9/11十年回望:阿盖达组织2.0 5


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2011  

  阿富汗战争最沉重的后果就是促使阿盖达组织的诞生。2001年美国遭受911恐怖袭击后,美国一直在追捕阿盖达组织头目拉登等基地组织领导人,虽然组织被迫分散,比起911袭击前,实力已明显被削弱,但从近年的巴利岛、也门恐怖袭击事件上,显示出该组织仍然非常活跃。阿富汗虽不再是组织的基地,但反而形成了更难追踪的「 阿盖达组织2.0」,究竟阿盖达组织2.0会构成什么威胁?它又是如何组成的?它有可能被瓦解吗?
  The war in Afghanistan took a heavy toll on Al Qaeda. But a year and a half after September 11 comes word that Osama Bin Laden is still alive, as are a number of his key lieutenants...