"Mongolian" 共找到影视: 14 部
草原之城 8


  The first part of the Mongolia Trilogy was an avant-garde documentary that tries to paint a multidimensional picture of Mongolia. It starts off with an ancient fable and then moves on to little segments about different factions of the Mongolian population and then a long closing chapter called The Anthem. And the unique attempt does succeed, though a little too indulgent at tim...

敲出世界的旋律 8


云开雾散 1


  A journey from the Swiss mountains to China.
  Aging farmer Adrien is a quiet man from a mountain village in the Swiss Alps. He convinces his friends to accompany him on a train ride to Beijing by way of the Trans-Siberian Express. At the last minute, they are joined by the talkative Roger. Going through Berlin, Moscow, and Mongolia, Adrien's companions drop out until he is left ...

Molom:ALegendofMongolia 4


蒙古生活 8


  The films of Ulrike Ottinger (b. 1942) are shaped by a fascination with place, a topical and topographical curiosity that drives their wanderlust across locales both imagined and real, from the fantastically spectral Berlin of the early Freak Orlando and the nostalgia shrouded Viennese amusement park of Prater, to the vast, remote steppes of Central Asia explored in Taiga and t...

成吉思汗的两匹骏马 1


  《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》原为蒙古族民间叙事诗,是长调名曲,它讲述了成吉思汗训练的两匹非常矫健的小骏马从逃离到最终回归马群、立下汗马功劳的故事。而电影《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》由琵亚芭苏伦·戴娃(Byambasuren DAVAA)导演,乌仁娜担任主演。它讲述的故事是这样的:乌仁娜的奶奶珍藏有一把马头琴,琴上镌刻着《成吉思汗的两匹骏马》的文字。文革年代,琴身遭毁,只留下马头和残缺的诗词。奶奶临终前嘱托乌仁娜,一定要找到完整的诗词。为了完成奶奶的遗愿,乌仁娜一路找寻,从内蒙来到外蒙……

狗的國度 5


  State of Dogs (Mongolian: Нохойн орон, alternately Nokhoin Oron) is a Mongolian movie that was released in 1998, directed and written by Peter Brosens and Dorjkhandyn Turmunkh. The film was shown at the 1998 Venice Film Festival,[1] the 1998 Toronto Film Festival[1], the 1999 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival,[2] and won the the Grand Prix at the 1998 Visions du ...

猎鹰者 10



AndaUnion-FromtheSteppestoTheCity 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2011  

  Anda Union - From the Steppes to The City is a rare insight into a forgotten land on the furthest edges of China, home to more than 6 million Mongolians.
  Anda Union, a ten strong group of young musicians, make a 10,000km journey through the grasslands of Inner Mongolia revealing the secret of the roots of their haunting and beautiful music.

鞑靼手术 1


  An ordinary bank employee Taivanaa gets fired when he discovers executives in his company are engaged in illegal dealings. It is difficult for him to reveal the truth to his wife, who spends her days caring their sick daughter. One day Taivanaa’s daughter needs expensive medical surgery. Taivnaa’s mind fixates on the money in the bank he used to work.

讹答剌的毁灭 1



大草原安魂曲 1


  蒙古少年巴之(Batzul Khayankhyarvaa 饰)天生能够听到迷失动物的哀鸣,某日巴之寻找迷途羔羊,突然昏厥。萨满法师将其救治,声称其体内藏有祖先的灵魂。醒后的巴之毫不相信,拒绝拜会萨满法师。
  一场瘟疫蔓延草原,巴之家无奈搬迁,被迫融入现代社会,从牧民变成煤矿工人。离开途中,巴之听到心爱的马儿死于枪口下的哀鸣。但城市生活令牧民倍感压抑,巴之亦渐渐失去祖先的灵性,直到偷煤的女孩Zolzaya(Tsetsegee Byamba 饰)无意间闯入他的生活……

季风中的马 2


  • 已完结
  • 2005  

  你不想去的地方, 马不可能把你驮去, 但你想去的地方, 就必须得马驮。所以, 在今天看来, 马已经不是蒙古人的理想, 而是实现理想的工具。”这是影片中的一句台词, 也是蒙古人在生活环境发生巨大变化的今天, 不得不正视的一个问题。影片把人文关怀的镜头, 对准了沙漠化越来越严重的草原上一个视草原为生命的普通牧民“乌日根”, 通过“乌日根”一家在草原沙漠化与保护生态环境、实现经济和社会可持续发展的、大的时代背景下的痛苦选择

绿草地 1


  世代居住大草原的蒙古族孩子毕力格(Hurichabilike 饰)与家人和朋友平静的生活,被一颗顺流漂下的乒乓球打破。他和好朋友二锅头(Geliban 饰)、达瓦(Dawa 饰)起先认为这就是传说中的夜明珠,后来从电视上得知,这个球的名字叫“乒乓球”,是中国的国球。几个孩子为国球的“遗失”分外焦急,他们决定出发将乒乓球送还国家……