"Hebrew" 共找到影视: 25 部
专家:一个现代罪犯的肖像 6


  The incredible trial of a frighteningly ordinary civil servant. Inspired by Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem: Α Report on the Banality of Evil and drawing entirely on the 350 hours of rare footage recorded during the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 in Jerusalem, this film about obedience and responsibility is the portrait of an expert in problem resolving; a man responsibl...

通向杰宁之路 1


  The Road to Jenin by French director Pierre Rehov, depicts a moral Israeli army fighting a just war against armed Palestinians in a hotbed of terrorism which spawned more than half the ******* bombings against Israeli civilians. Among the terrorists from Jenin, for instance, was the killer who took 29 lives in the Passover bombing of the Park Hotel days before.

MivtzaSavta 10


ThePrachtInn 5


Hahishehozerethabaita 9


电热毯 6


Bar51 3


  Thomas (Juliano Mer) and his sister Mariana (Semadar Kilchinsky) have arrived together in Tel Aviv and set up housekeeping in the sleazy side of the city. Thomas makes his money as a "kept man" for two different women who are nightclub entertainers. At the same time, he attracts the attentions of an amorous transvestite. His unnatural love for his sister goes unexpressed, but h...

AlHevelDak 8


Shminiya,Ha- 8


独立日烧烤 1


  The Ida family is celebrating Israel’s 40th Independence day. Around the barbeque, a story of two generations unfolds beginning in Iraq where the parents knew their first loves and losses, and continues in New York where their children get entangled in an awkward murder of an Israeli porn actress. Stories of the family members intersect and result in strange encounters that lea...

财产第一季 4


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2020  

  故事发生在以色列,一名年轻的法国妇女Natalie被指控在婚礼当天晚上杀害自己的丈夫, 法国政/府派外交官Karim到现场帮助她并调查事情真相。

欧兹:梦的天性 8


  • 正片


WomeninSink 10


  It’s packed at Fifi’s beauty salon in Haifa. As is normal in such a place, the women are quick to enter into conversation. The young director takes advantage of the situation, allowing her customers to air their opinions on the coexistence of Arabs and Jews as she washes their hair, while also offering a more general look at politics, history, love, and life.

InFreeFall 7


  Through intertwined narratives of people, planes and places Steyerl reveals cycles of capitalism incorporating and adapting to the changing status of the commodity, but also points at a horizon beyond this endless repetition.

奔跑的阿尔玛莎 9


  Martha is a foreign worker employed as a caretaker of sick old woman who refuses to die. Martha's only moments of freedom come when she delves into her imaginary world. Feeling trapped and lonely, Martha tries to free herself but the authorities make it clear to her that until the old woman dies she must stay. She decides to fight for her freedom but reality pushes her into her...