"同性" 共找到影视: 4704 部
surrogate 8


  • 已更新至9集
  • 2017  

  Jane Martin is recruited by Doctor Faye's clinical for healthy sex. But Jane does not respect the rules with her patients and becomes more closer with them. Ignoring the warnings of Dr. Faye, Jane puts her patients and herself in danger.

爱在8009 8


  • 已更新至118集
  • 2004  


天使在美国 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2003  

  故事发生於20世纪80年代中期的纽约,《千禧年降临》的第一幕介绍了中心人物路易·爱恩森(Louis Ironson)。他是一名犹太人,与同性恋爱人普莱尔·沃尔特(Prior Walter)住在一起。但普莱尔後来发现自己患有艾滋病,社会在当时对此病仍然知之甚少,路易无法承受住巨大的压力便抛弃了对方搬了出去。与此同时,在城市中另一方,也有一位名为乔·皮特(Joe Pitt)的共和党律师。他是一位摩门教徒,同时也在尽力压制自己的同性恋倾向。剧中,臭名昭著的麦卡锡主义者罗依·康(Roy Cohn)为他提供了一份十分有前途的工作,而乔并没有立刻接受,因为他担心自己服用安定上瘾的妻子哈珀(Harper)。

隐秘的元首 5


  • 正片

  German historian Lothar Machtan proposed in his book that Hitler may have been gay and his desire to keep it a secret motivated many of his actions. This film details Machtan's explorations and provides other historians a chance to refute Machtan's conclusions.

嘭! 10


  • 最新更新

  Bump! is the world's first gay and lesbian travel and lifestyle television series. It is unique and international in scope. In each episode Bump! presents a new gay-friendly destination in a stylish and upbeat format. Bump! travels the globe in search of fascinating gay human-interest stories. From gay tourism hot spots like Miami and London, to urban centers such as Montreal a...

生命的承諾 9


  電影以璀璨浮華的荷李活為背景,講述洛杉磯抗擊愛滋病病毒的一段引人入勝的故事,當中尤其頌讚感染者、醫生、伊莉莎伯泰萊等具影響力的電影明星,以及推動洛杉磯愛滋病項目 (APLA) 的先驅等一群付出非凡努力的勇敢人士,團結集合起來改革這一場毀滅性的流行病發展軌跡。

YourFatFriend 4


  In February 2016, an anonymous blogger known as @yrfatfriend penned a post entitled “A Request From Your Fat Friend: What I Need When We Talk About Bodies” that discussed the realities of what it’s like to go through life as a self-described “very fat person” with candor and vulnerability. The piece struck a chord and quickly went viral. For the next five years, “Your Fat Frien...

Avalon 6


  根据两位导演录制的纪录片编辑而成的故事。交织着热烈的回忆、个人历史和肢体语言,及 20 年的代沟。片子用泰国方言记录,无论是枕边的细语或遮盖的谎言。在这段六年的关系中,彼此的相互信任慢慢被孤立和疏远所取代。

骄傲:被看见一个国家的灵魂 5


  Cara Delevingne hosts the groundbreaking special event documenting the LGBTQ+ experience and examining what it means to be seen as a member of the community.

阿特与佩佩 9


  在芝加哥的Halsted街,坐落着Sidetrack,一个巨大的同志俱乐部,吸引着大量的人群。阿特-约翰斯顿(Art Johnston)和佩佩-佩尼亚(Pepe Pea)是生活和爱情中的伙伴,1982年,他们在一个没有招牌、以啤酒箱为座位的小店中开业,在银幕上放映音乐视频。Sidetrack的故事不仅是这个城市最重要的文化地标之一的历史(经过七次扩建,现有15,000平方英尺),也是对争取平权的长期斗争的回顾。从站在艾滋病危机的前线到共同创立平等伊利诺伊州组织,阿特和佩佩一直在领导伊利诺伊州成为LGBTQ+权利全国最进步地区之一。

澳洲婚平记事 6



软情色酷儿影片大师:帕特·罗科 5


  一位同志軟色情酷兒電影的先師帕特羅科,於 1960 到70 年代創作了多部男男之間、情慾裸露與慾望的作品,並成為當年首次將這類型的題材登上大銀幕的導演。除了軟色情酷兒電影以外,羅科的作品也包括了許多紀實當年的重要社會運動與遊行,如早期酷兒族群在街頭倡議的身影、1970 年代洛杉磯驕傲大遊行與哈維米爾克演講等重要歷史片段。

爱的法律 2


  It starts off with a petition. If there are enough signatures in support of same-sex marriage, the Czech parliament will have to debate making it law. But getting people to sign was the easy part; this film’s remarkable story lies in how the fight continues for this group of dedicated and earnest activists. Barbora Chalupová’s film details every moment of their struggle and kee...

跨入光明 9


  当孩子的内心流露出真实的自我时,父母该如何放下自己的期望,帮助TA们成为最真实的自己呢?Sheona McDonald的纪录片捕捉到了母亲和孩子一同探索性别身份复杂性时的系列变化。

FramedYouth:TheRevengeoftheTeenagePerverts 1


  Framed Youth: The Revenge of the Teenage Perverts is a 1983 documentary film, produced by the London Lesbian and Gay Youth Video Project, in which gay and lesbian teenagers interview straight people on the streets of London about their views on homosexuality. The project involved a number of members of the London Gay Teenage Group.The film was broadcast on Channel 4 in December...