"智利" 共找到影视: 761 部
圣地亚哥,意大利 6


  南尼·莫莱蒂导演全新纪录片[圣地亚哥,意大利](Santiago, Italia,暂译)将亮相第36届意大利都灵国际电影节,作为本届电影节的闭幕影片。影片围绕1973年9月11日智利发生政变后几个月发生的故事展开,将聚焦智利政治家、军人奥古斯托·皮诺切特。该片意大利将于12月6日上映。

Surire 10


  Cinematic observational film about an environmentally protected salt flat exploited as a mine while the last native inhabitants watch from their run-down towns how the wealth is extracted from their ancestral lands.

影子女孩 8


  在多伦多剪辑她最后一部电影时,电影制片人玛丽亚·特雷莎·拉拉森突然丧 失了视力。在与绝望和羞耻的斗争中,她告别了过去,并决定独自面对她的 失明。然而,在她母亲过世时,她回到了阔别三十年的国家——智利。在那里,走在圣地亚哥街道上的她遇到了“鸟人”安德烈斯,从此进入了一个新的世界。

毒家真相 8


  Children in Arica in the North of Chile are falling badly ill because of toxic waste dumped by a Swedish company in the 80’s. The young filmmaker Lars find Rolf, head of environment at the company...

茶歇时间 7


  For sixty years, Maria Teresa and her high school friends have been meeting for monthly tea in Santiago. As a maid quietly keeps cups and plates filled, the genteel women pray, then talk about their ailments, their husbands, and the rapidly changing world around them. Director Maite Alberdi keeps a tight focus on the food and the friends' faces, as they listen to each other's s...

新世代 2


  At the tender age of twelve, Roberto supported the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua and fought for education and social reforms. He was to continue his political struggle fighting alongside the communist Tupamaros in Uruguay. Thirty years later he is struggling to live his life as a woman named Stephanía and striving to be accepted by both society and his family. Documentary ...

AquíenVivo-LosManíacosdelMartillo 10


  En un nuevo trabajo periodístico Aquí en Vivo mostró el actuar de dos asesinos en serie que matan y graban los homicidios en cámara.
  Los jóvenes llamados Igor y Víctor, ambos de 19 aos, sorprendieron con su extrao y cruel pasatiempo, donde salían por las tardes y noche a asesinar personas, sin discriminar.
  Jóvenes aparentemente comunes y corrientes. Estudiantes promedios, de ...

珍珠纽扣 6



Laúltimaestación 6


  This film is about old age that takes place in nursing homes. Under the contemplative look of a camera, the life and moments some old people face in their last stages are portrayed in an atmosphere of solitude and abandonment. These homes, and their long lasting passage of time, are the last station in life before setting out on the inevitable journey to death.

时光裂缝 9


  在智利圣地亚哥的一处房子里,观众随着导演微妙的、美丽的镜头走近一个家庭,听他们讲述家庭的回忆。拍摄过程中偶尔会有客人来,按门铃并打断他们的谈话,但是我们的导演Ignacio Agüero对这些客人也很感兴趣,跟他们一起聊天,并记录他们的日常生活。此片中导演诗意地将圣地亚哥街景与他们的谈话相结合,家庭史与智利的现代生活相交叉,人们的工作和生活相交融……导演Ignacio Agüero的作品《One Hundred Children Waiting For a Train》曾参展1989山形国际纪录片电影节及《Dreams of Ice》曾参展1993山形国际纪录片电影节。

圣达菲街 4


  October 5, 1974: In the suburbs of Santiago, pregnant Carmen is badly injured and her partner Miguel, head of the resistance against Pinochet's dictatorship, is killed in combat. So begins a journey into the memories of the defeated...
  A documentary about a leftist activist coming back to Chile from exile. Old harrowing memories come back to mind along with fears of finding a s...

智利之战3 5



智利之战2 9


  帕特里西奥·古斯曼在阿连德于1970年执掌智利的政权后拍摄了一系列的纪录片《第一年》、《十月的回答》等。三年后,智利发生政变,阿连德政权被推翻,帕特里西奥·古斯曼逃到了古巴,并将其保存的全部资料编辑成多部反映1970—1973年间智利历史的影片,《智利之战》即为这些影片 中的两部。在这部影片中,由阿连德领导的人民联盟和右派间的斗争以及左派内部间的矛盾以以前从未公开的、激动人心的资料反映出来,表现了人民联盟由于极端政治思潮而给自身阵营内部造成的困难处境。

智利:问题的星系 3


  Chile: A Galaxy of Problems: Guzman focuses in on the half-repressed ghost of Chile's 1973 military coup d'état, pointing his camera toward psychologists, historians, economists, engineers, and, most disturbingly, a former high military official (the Chilean military has, in Guzman's view, been complicit in a coercive conspiracy of silence in the decades since the coup) in orde...

邻家宇航员 6


  Astronomers from My Neighborhood: Guzman documents the ingenuity of several local astronomy enthusiasts who have taken to building their own telescopes from scratch (down to and including creating the special mirrors themselves). These may be "amateurs," but they all -- one elderly gentleman in particular, who has designed a mini-observatory on his roof, including hydraulic cha...