"智利" 共找到影视: 761 部
玛利亚·特蕾莎与褐矮星 6


  Maria Teresa and the Brown Dwarf: The astronomer who in 1997 was the first to actually see a "brown dwarf" -- a nascent star that did not have the nuclear capability to become full-fledged -- talks about what drives her to be an astronomer, and explains that the same drive is fulfilled on different levels by her collecting of precious stones on the beach and her detail-obsessed...

何塞·马萨:天空的旅行者 1


  José Maza, Sky Traveler: Structured like something of a Q&A, this short features the titular physicist responding to Guzman's questions about "dark energy," the supernovas that probably initially created the elements we humans now consist of, and his regret over the depersonalization of observatory procedure as they have become more advanced and in-demand.

Embrión 10


  Kevin and his girlfriend Evelyn are camping in the woods when she is abducted and impregnated by otherworldly beings. As the entity within her begins to grow, Evelyn discovers that her cravings can only be satisfied by human flesh and blood.

Solos 4


  In an undefined future, the earth has been destroyed by man, and the air polluted with a mysterious virus that turns humans into zombies. Only a few children are immune to the disease and have adapted to these extreme conditions and survived. Camille, a nine year old girl wanders through these desolate wastelands, protecting herself from zombies and the armed military forces th...

恶疾:最后接触传染 4


  Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contaminated currency worldwide: a thief steals contaminated notes in Italy; a Kosovo patient is infected in extreme surgeries; a German father is desperate to save his son.

Noche 3


窗口的微热青春 1



工人出厂 8


  A short film which documents the lives of four women who work together in a factory.

构造D 5


  很久以前,在一个温暖、清新的早上,一个小女孩正穿走在树林间。她的好奇心驱使她离开惯常走的小路而走近一棵树,她在那有了令人惊奇的发现。在地上它被埋在枯叶下。是一只白色的玩具兔。她把他叫做“D”。他很友好却也孤单。她决定让他成为她最好的朋友。《D的创造》讲了一个小女孩在一个有趣的世界里的故事,她穿过令人陶醉的高山、森林和河流,寻找动物的肢体来组装她的小玩具兔,希望能给予他生命。事情并未按她所想,她被迫要延长行程去那个玩具兔诞生的地方,那里是一个混乱无序破坏殆尽的废弃城市。同时,在天国世界,神秘的神灵指引,为勃发的动物们准备了一个特别之处。这部电影混合了真人拍摄和木偶停格动画,木偶一半是填充玩具一半是动物标本。全程在智利拍摄,涉足美丽的南方国家公园,圣地亚哥郊区的损毁殆尽的废弃工厂,影片结束于一个用停格动画做出的童话般的天堂场景。 .影片耗时5年并启用多专...

迴游 7


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Ríodesborde 7


  Cuál es la imagen del río Y cuál es la visión que ofrece el río de las grandes ciudades Latinoamericanas Rio desborde es un ensayo audiovisual que sigue las orillas del río Tietê, en So Paulo, Brasil, y el río Mapocho, en Santiago, Chile, en su perímetro urbano. Una observación y registro de las personas y lugares afectados por las aguas y olvidados, como estos ríos. Memor...

Ennieblafugada 9


  Estas gotas de agua descienden hacia un reflejo ilimitado. Con el paso de las horas, el agua se evapora al tiempo que las seales de una captura alojan a su estado anterior. En registro de su afluencia en fuga, cada lectura de luz es una dedicación a un alma de paso fugitivo.

ParcialmenteObscurecido 2


  La creación en sí misma, un rito al sol y las superficies iluminadas por él. Convocación y captura de luz en un primitivo intento de atrapar al sol con mis manos.

CuadernodeAgua 4


  The writtings of a relegate to the Patagonian archipelago during the chilean military dictatorship are found 35 years later. The notebook takes us into his encounters with the inhabitants of the Guaitecas Islands and their ways of life deeply linked to the sea.

阳光下融化的生物 5


  Nataly, the unforgettable protagonist of this captivating and eerily beautiful drama by Chile’s Diego Céspedes, revisits pains in her past when she and her beloved daughter visit a mysterious community of people who can no longer endure the harsh rays of the sun.