"波兰" 共找到影视: 3430 部
逃离她身畔 9


  The film records the daughter's memories of the passing parents, as well as the questions of life and death.
  2010 ihlava国际纪录片电影节 银眼奖 最佳中长篇纪录片提名/2010 克拉科夫电影节 Cracow学生评审团奖

审判:俄罗斯vs奥列格·谢佐夫 9



王子与恶灵 7



神秘北朝鲜 5


  North Korea, late 1980s. The communist authorities hold enormous parades celebrating the 40th anniversary of Democratic People's Republic of Korea and worshipping its leader, Kim Ir Sen. But all this splendor, pomp and incredible lavishness is also to eclipse sports olympics taking part in South Korea.

对美的渴望 3


  ◎译  名 对美的渴望
  ◎片  名 Desire for Beauty
  ◎年  代 2013
  ◎国  家 波兰
  ◎类  别 纪录片

最后的影像·草稿 8


  Portrait of Andrzej Munk plotted memories of his friends and colleagues. The key to this essay is the prospect of the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he was held shooting for Passenger , Munk's last film. Crew Passenger not only worked, but spent the night in the camp. Work on the film was interrupted by the sudden death of Andrzej Munk in a car accident. Andrzej Brzozowski...

弗朗兹·克拉莫与他的滑雪场景 4


  This series of short documentares were filmed by the famous photographer Bogdan Dziworski at his early times that are mainly clips of skiing, hockey, Olympics, etcetera. These experimental clips with scenes of handicapped athletes are full of strong ...

列宁格勒的孩子 10


  Genre:Short / Documentary
  Plot Outline: Since the fall of the Iron Curtain an estimated four million children have found themselves living on the streets in the former countries of the Soviet Union. In the streets of Moscow alone there are over 30,000 surviving in this manner at the present time. The makers of the documentary film concentrated on a community of homeless childre...

市郊火车 3


  片长: 18' 导演: 马西俄·库斯克 制作年份: 2005 制片公司: Eureka传媒
  著名的莫斯科电气火车从车站开出,车上有人打瞌睡、有人阅读、有人沉思,还不时听见聊天声和手机铃声。有人在努力推销刺绣桌布;一只可爱的小猫不知从谁的篮子里偷跑出来。有时火车上会有爵士团队演唱,有时是一名风琴手独自演奏Spasiba(谢谢), 此片为波兰—莫斯科,新视野项目一部分。

当心,流氓! 4


  This staged documentary shot by Jerzy Hoffman and Edward Skorzewski is presented in form of a documentary poster warning against indifference to repressive behaviour of hooligan gangs and their disastrous influence on the youth. Janek, the protagonist, is a boy who gets into a low company. Using tricks of action films, this film's might lies in its dynamic narration full of dr...

很高兴见到你 10


Podróz 5


马克汉姆 9


  A man kills an antique dealer during an attempted robbery. A shadowy figure, who seems to know everything about the man and his problems, suddenly appears. Based on a short story by Robert Louis Stevenson.

一号馆 5


  • 正片

  A young scientist is kidnapped and taken to a house where his former mentor, a professor, is conducting experiments on shrinking humans. Professor Foss is in deep water again. As a result of manipulation, he is kept prisoner in a research pavilion of his former teacher Professor Franton.