"Slobodan Ninkovic" 共找到影视: 7 部
公鸡山警察第一季 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1993  


白外套 8


  Lazar Ristovski是前南著名男演员,主演过《铁托与我》《地下》等片。这是他首次个人编导的作品,风格与《地下》相近,改编自他自己写的小说。
  "All that was shown in this film really happened" - says Lazar Ristovski - "but I wanted to raise the film a foot above the ground and charge it with a taste of surreal and poetic. Why Because the audience today is much to burdened by the reality of life (especially in Yugoslavia) and it needs an embeli...

俺会给你搬钢琴 7


  Today is a day when Ostoja, legendary piano mover from Belgrade, gets a special delivery.

圣乔治射龙 1


  Srdjan Dragojevic被认为是除了埃米尔·库斯图里卡之外,塞尔维亚最好的导演,影片编剧Dusan Kovacevic的祖父就曾参加了第一次世界大战。

贝尔格莱德上空的满月 7


  Belgrade in 1992. Hiding from night mobilizations, a young doctor requests third-shift work, instead of his colleague who died on war-front. He meets a pleasant old woman who, realizing that he finished Faculty of literature, asks him for help in arranging her precious home library. Astonished, he finds out that it is a sensational collection of rare books (sequence of "Dead So...

震颤谵妄 2


  Dagi is a famous actor, but a heavy drinker. At one point his condition becomes critical and he ends up in the hospital where he is diagnosed with delirium tremens. Having lost sensation in his limbs, incapable of grasping what is happening around him, imagination plays tricks on him, and as he falls into delirium he finds himself in surreal situations. Once he comes round, he ...

尤里西斯的凝视 10


  本片开始回顾了一战时第一部反映巴尔干半岛的默片,内容是描述纺织女工生活的场景。主人公(哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)是个希腊裔美国人,在经历战争洗礼后,他怀着感慨的心情重归故里,寻找电影开始的地方。他跟同伴讲述着曾经在这里度过的岁月,怀旧而伤感。特别是看 到教徒手持火把游行的情景,勾起了他对残酷战争的回忆。最后,他决心逃离。大雪漫天,他要了辆出租车,并答应送一位老人回家乡看看。然而,满目疮痍的战争废墟,让老人无家可归。汽车在雪地里抛锚,他只能登上了列车继续前行。在萨拉热窝,他在电影馆馆长的陪同下,寻找那部默片未果,却和馆长的女儿一见钟情。他高调地进入社交圈,却发现这里已经被前苏联的文化浸染,到处吟唱着喀秋莎的旋律。他曾目睹列宁的雕像被卸开,内心涌动着复杂的感情……